It seems like this is a really important time to remember the goodness of our lives. To spend some time reflecting on what we have now, what we have had, and what we will have again when this is over. We are blessed. You know that right?
If we have a roof over our heads, we have blessing. If we have food on the table, we have blessing. If we have friends, family, our faith community, and our animal companions too, we have blessing.
We need to remember and count those blessings. It’s spiritual therapy really. Like physical therapy, spiritual exercise is even more important when we’ve lost some abilities we always took for granted. Can’t go out for dinner. Can’t have a huge holiday gathering. Can’t take a trip without risk.
Because it’s different now, isn’t it? This round of COVID-19 is much worse than what we began with in the spring. It’s not just the alarming trends in infection, it’s also that the days are colder and shorter.
So hold on to those blessings. And more than that, BE a blessing. Call someone for a chat. Send a card (or three) just for fun. Send a special treat or flowers.
Lean into the darkness with all the light you have. Remember what Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” Be a bright one.
Pr. Beth
We need to remember and count those blessings. It’s spiritual therapy really. Like physical therapy, spiritual exercise is even more important when we’ve lost some abilities we always took for granted. Can’t go out for dinner. Can’t have a huge holiday gathering. Can’t take a trip without risk.
Because it’s different now, isn’t it? This round of COVID-19 is much worse than what we began with in the spring. It’s not just the alarming trends in infection, it’s also that the days are colder and shorter.
So hold on to those blessings. And more than that, BE a blessing. Call someone for a chat. Send a card (or three) just for fun. Send a special treat or flowers.
Lean into the darkness with all the light you have. Remember what Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” Be a bright one.
Pr. Beth